Saturday, July 9, 2016

Chapter 17: The Beginning of the Rest of Our Lives

If It Doesn't Kill Us It Makes Us Stronger

Chapter 17: The Beginning of the Rest of Our Lives

Seeing Rayen again was indescribable. There's just something about seeing the mother of your child.

 After we embraced, I saw the most adorable child I had ever set my eyes on.  She had Rayven's dazzling blue eyes.

We talked for a while.

And hugged. I was glad that I decided to stay with them for the summer. Maybe this way I wouldn't be missing out on my daughter's life so much. Did I forget to mention her name? It's Lory. How beautiful.

Half-way through the summer, Rayven gave me a familiar look. The same look she gave me the night we created Lory. At first, I considered becoming romantically involved with Rayven, maybe it would be best for Lory. However, I also knew that Rayven and I weren't compatible at all. She was loud and a partier. Too much for me to handle. Things would never work out between us. If we tried starting something, we'd break up and I didn't want Lory to grow up with parents hating each other if the break up ended up being messy. We decided it was best to just remain friends and co-parent. Because Lory would be starting school soon, we both agreed that she would stay with Rayven. I was saddened and relieved simultaneously. Stability was most important for Lory, and I valued that. I promised to call her daily before I left for university.

On the first day of school I met James. He was the most muscular person I had ever seen in real life. He lived in a dorm with his friend Jacen. He planned on studying kinesiology.

I also met Jacen, this super artsy dude. He was great at painting, photography, and writing. 

Kimmie was this shy girl that I could tell usually goes by unnoticed in groups of people.

And Isaac had met Rosella, 

I had actually caught him staring at her during one of our classes. "So...are you gonna talk to her or just keep staring?"

He quickly turned his head, trying to convince me that he hadn't been watching her this entire time. When I continued teasing him, he finally owned up to it. "Fine, maybe I was..observing her. But nothing will come of it. I tried talking to her last night, but got a little intimidated as soon as I saw her on her phone. She was talking to so many people and laughing, I could tell she was outgoing. I could tell that we lived in two completely different worlds."
Before I could tell Isaac he was overthinking things, he added, "Besides, my parents would actually kill me if I tried dating right now."  I just nodded, remembering how he always told me his parents were kinda strict.


  1. Oh Lory is such a sweet girl .. and so glad to see Loren step up to his responsibility in her life :)

  2. Great to meet their fellow students. I like the geeky Lory too :)
