Thursday, June 30, 2016

Chapter 11: Explosive

If It Doesn't Kill Us It Makes Us Stronger

Chapter 11: Explosive

I heard Robyn and Isaac having a pretty heated discussion one night. It started off seemingly calm. I must admit, I was being pretty nosy, but I was curious. "Robyn, I know what's been going on.."

Isaac knew that Robyn had been unfaithful. All I knew was when she kissed our teacher, but were there others?  At first, Robyn adamantly denied the accusation. However, after Isaac raised his voice and the conversation progressed, she owned up to it. "Yes Isaac, I have cheated on you. But you don't make things easy. You seem to have lost interest in me lately. Is it really so wrong and unexpected that I looked for someone else?" For a moment, it was silent. Isaac then proceeded to yell at Robyn, calling her all kinds of names  Telling her that if this is how she chose to behave, then she didn't deserve his love.

"Alright then. We're over. I refuse to stay with someone that doesn't think I'm good enough".  Isaac was not expecting that response. He imagined that Robyn would break down and get on her knees begging him to forgive him. That night Isaac did more crying than Robyn.

Once they both left Isaac's room, I was heated.  I couldn't believe he'd talk to her that way.  Sure, she's made a couple mistakes, but who hasn't? That was when Isaac kicked me out, but I didn't care. I had to defend her.

I then went over to Robyn.  I refused to leave until I saw her smile.  Thankfully, I was successful.  So successful in fact that she invited me to stay with her now.  She said her dad was never home anyway so it wouldn't really matter.

The night ended with Robyn looking at me in a way she never had before.

1 comment:

  1. UHHH what happened to cotton-candy .. this cannot end well!
