Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Chapter 9: Expect the Unexpected

If It Doesn't Kill Us It Makes Us Stronger

Chapter 9: Expect the Unexpected

I told Isaac all about the fun Rayven and I had on the trip and how she ended up calling a few weeks later.

Rayven had called and told me that she was pregnant. She took a test and even went to her doctor, there was no mistaking it. She was expecting and I would soon become a father. 

I knew that I had to tell my grandmother. I'm an awful liar and even though I knew she'd be disappointed, she deserved to hear the truth.  I brought it up one night at dinner.

She was furious. She told me that I wasn't raised this way and that I should be ashamed. She said I would forever be an embarrassment to the family. She told me that since I made the decision to "act like an adult", then I can live without her like an adult. 

I tried to calm her down. I apologized for my actions and told her that I wish I could take it all back. She wasn't listening though, her mind had already been made up.

I told Isaac that this was why his friendship was so crucial to me right now. Then, I eased into the tough subject of asking to be his house guest.  

After thinking about it, he agreed.  Said I could crash on their luxury sofa for as long as I needed to. I knew Isaac wouldn't let me down. 


  1. poor granny .. heartbroken :( but she will love the baby

  2. Oh my, the dreaded did occur... kinda harsh of grandma to kick him out but life is hard, we all know it is.
