Sunday, September 4, 2011

Chapter 1: Has it Ended?

If It Doesn't Kill Us It Makes Us Stronger
Chapter 1:  Has It Ended?

Once the wedding ended I didn't stay around for the reception.   I got into my car, turned the key and drove back home in a horrible mood.  I thought that maybe if I tried to distract myself then the feeling would eventually go away....but it didn't.

I thought about what I could do to take my mind off of the wedding, but nothing really held my mind for long.  I tried watching television, drawing, painting, but nothing helped in the slightest.  The thoughts kept overcoming my mind and past memories began to flow.  I began to think back to the day that caused this.  The very day I met Robyn Mayes.

I will never forget the day when I was ten years old and my mother told me that we had a new neighbor moving next to us in the apartment.   I was an extremely shy child, so when I walked out of my apartment one day and saw a girl I've never met before sitting in the lobby. I was extremely panicked...she must've noticed because shortly after she introduced herself.
"Hi I'm Robyn, nice to meet you." then she began to smile. 

I tried not to sound nervous but when I introduced by stuttering "I'm L-L-Logan." I didn't do such a good job.  She laughed a bit and said, "Well hi L-L-Logan!"  I knew we were going to be great friends.

Bleh, I know this chapter was really short, but while I was taking pics today my game froze and of course I didn't I was really frustrated especially after I built an apartment and everything and didn't want to get back on my sorry!  Chapter two will be much longer, I promise! 

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